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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Merry Easter I think?

So I was speaking with a girl that I attend school with about our weekend plans for Easter.  I told her my plans and she told me how she was going to church and then to her grandmas. I told her that sounds cool and I hope she has fun. Then she looks at me and asks "what is Easter about again? What happened to Jesus?". I am not a die hard christian, but even I was like are you kidding me!  Easter is like the most important day for christianity. She even told me how she was going to church on sunday.  You may go to church, but if you dont know why you are there then what is the point of going? Just because you say your a christian doesnt make you one, you need to actually know what your talking about. Better yet you need to know why you are the religion you are. I think its wonderful to celebrate religious holidays and practices. But at least know what makes it important and ask yourself why your there.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Good Day

The link above is one of the hundreds of news articles being published today on the topic of gay marriage.  Though the topic has made it to the supreme court, it will probably not be ruled upon until sometime in June. The court will also hear a sepertate but closely related case tomorrow on DOMA, which is the act that prohibits benefits for gays in the military. Why I am writing this blog is not because of the cases in the supreme court, but rather the people of this nation.  Throughout the whole day I have seen people with gay related shirts, tweets, facebook posts, instagram pictures, that all support equality! I was so happy to see so much support for such a controversial issue, and I realized that this country is becoming more and more accepting. Even though these court cases will not be decided on overnight, the people of this nation have started to change. And I believe that will help in the long run.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Gay support

before you read what I have to say on the issue please read the link above. I was very excited to hear Hillary Clinton has decided to publically announce her support of gay marriage.  If she keeps this up she will be getting my vote in 2016.  I thought the most interesting part of the article was the number of people who have changed their view on gay marriage because they are close with a gay person. I actually have my own experience with this.  When I first came out to my friends, I was embraced with open arms and love.  Unfortunately when I came out to my parents I recieved the opposite response.  Although my parents still loved me, the did not agree with my life choices.  They esspecially did not agree when they found out I was in a committed relationship. They originally told me they never wanted to meet my partner and he could never come to our house. To my surprise, it is two years later and my parents and partner are on speaking terms. They actually cant wait to meet him!  I think it just takes a little time for people to warm up to the idea and some patience. My parents realized I was happy and am going to stay the way I am. They accepted that and are willing to support me in any way. I know some people are full of ignorance and hate and will never understand. But some just need a little education and time to grow up.