I just finished the reading the play and I really didn't like it. I thought it would have had more of a story to it. I felt the ending was very anticlimactic. The play was so short that I was left with numerous unanswered questions.
The mother was extremely mean and made me very angry. The sister was also very annoying and whined all the time. I can understand why Tom hated living at home. He was the only likeable character that actually made it bearable to read the play.
I wish the author would have given more details about what happened to the dad. I also wanted to know what happened to the characters at the end. I assume that Laura never married and the mother continued to stay crazy. I am hoping Tom was able to become successful. Then again this is a fictional story so I don't know why I am worried about what happened to the characters. But the story was so awful I am thinking of endings that will make it a little better.
I agree with you! I couldn't stand to read this! After I finished reading I thought, really? This is it? Yeah I wasn't the biggest fan on this either!