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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Merry Easter I think?

So I was speaking with a girl that I attend school with about our weekend plans for Easter.  I told her my plans and she told me how she was going to church and then to her grandmas. I told her that sounds cool and I hope she has fun. Then she looks at me and asks "what is Easter about again? What happened to Jesus?". I am not a die hard christian, but even I was like are you kidding me!  Easter is like the most important day for christianity. She even told me how she was going to church on sunday.  You may go to church, but if you dont know why you are there then what is the point of going? Just because you say your a christian doesnt make you one, you need to actually know what your talking about. Better yet you need to know why you are the religion you are. I think its wonderful to celebrate religious holidays and practices. But at least know what makes it important and ask yourself why your there.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the exact same way. I think a lot of people don't even know what religion they're "practicing". All they can tell you is what it's called.
